Create Bootable USB To Install Windows 10 With Media Creation Tool

Create Bootable USB To Install Windows 10 With Media Creation Tool

Windows 10 Media Creation Tool is a very useful tool for users to upgrade Windows 10 or reinstall Windows 10. In this article, I will show you how to use Windows 10 Media Creation Tool to make Windows installation media or to download the ISO file with detailed steps and screenshots.

When you want to install or upgrade Windows 10, you will need a Windows 10 installation media like a bootable USB drive or CD/DVD disc. And Windows 10 Media Creation Tool enables you to create an installation USB drive or download its ISO file so that you can burn on to a DVD to install the operating system on a different computer. It sounds that using Media Creation Tool to upgrade or install windows 10 is very convenient. However, some users don't know what it is and how to make use of this utility.

Related Topic:
Upgrade To Windows 10 Latest Version Using Windows Media Creation Tool

Create an Installation Media or Download ISO file

Another function of the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool is that it can help you create an installation media for another PC or download ISO file. And all Windows 10 editions are available when you select Windows 10, except for Enterprise edition. When finished, you can use the bootable USB drive or DVD disc to install Windows 10.

Note: Before you install or reinstall Windows on your PC, remember to back up
important files on your system disk.

Before you download Windows 10 Media Creation tool, make sure you have:
  • A PC with a working Internet connection
  • A blank USB flash drive or DVD with at least 8 GB of available storage space
Now you can follow the steps below to create Windows 10 installation media (USB flash drive or DVD) and use it to install a new copy of Windows 10, perform a clean installation, or reinstall Windows 10.

Step 1. Download Windows 10 Media Creation Tool and follow the instruction to get the following page. Then, check the second option Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC and click Next.

Step 2. Choose the Language, Windows Edition, and Architecture that you want to use for creating the installation media. After selection, then click Next to continue.

You can also choose to Use the recommended options for this PC, which automatically selects the language, edition, and architecture that match the PC that you are using right now.

Step 3. Choose what kind of media storage device you want to use. Here I take a USB flash drive as an example. Choose USB flash drive and press Next.

Step 4. Then Microsoft Media Creation Tool starts to download the latest Windows 10 installation files on your computer or device.

Step 5. When the download is completed, it will start to create Windows 10 media.

Step 6. When it is done, click Finish, and then you can use that drive to boot up your computer and install Windows 10.

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